Sunday, November 6, 2011

Model Practices

As an avid reader of the ever-entertaining and informative Huffington Post, I came across a great article about the Baha’i that does their faith much due-diligence.
 While examining the people around him, all of the Baha’i faith the writer remarks,” The Russian, Mexican, African, Arab, Israeli, American, European and Australian all found a commonality in their diversity: a belief that we are all bound together by our oneness. This ideal, I thought, would certainly be one way to start doing away with prejudice among nations”. If I were to introduce the Baha’i faith in one quote to someone who had no idea what it was about/how it is practiced, this quote would be quite effective in setting the scaffolding for the basic principles of the Baha’i faith. With the communal belief in desired unity among humans, regardless of class, ethnicity, race or any other boundaries that cause, the base for the Baha’i faith is born.
 Without diving deeper into specific beliefs, the basic principles follow that of a respectful and unified operating system.  Serving humanity on a daily basis the Baha’i are committed to "working hard but giving back harder” and that, “faith tells us that trustworthiness is the foundation of all human virtues”. In my opinion, the Baha’i who act upon their basic principles of desired unity and honest commitment to service are model world citizens. Although I am not personally a Baha’i, I was very impressed with the simple, subtle, yet strong principles which the believers act upon on a daily basis. The commitment within these not only strengthen those who practice the Baha’i faith, but the world and people around them.

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